Hi, my name is Logan. I am a sophomore in high school student at Long Island, and I take great pride in my education. I also have a strong passion in music, as I have been a jazz and classically trained saxophonist of many years. Additionally, I have strong interests in psychology, neurology, world history, chemistry, geography, mathematics, and ornithology. Lastly, I love reading books, going biking, doing microbiology research, lifting weights, and ESPECIALLY, tutoring kids at BBA!


Weekly Tutoring
Students receive 1-1 tutoring on a weekly basis focusing on concepts and making sure homework is getting completed.
Weekend floater is for the really busy students who want to receive academic assistance but on a weekly agreed upon time. This allows for a more flexible schedule.

The pen pal program is an amazing opportunity to connect two groups living different lives but both wanting to connect and learn about one another. The program also educates students about the state or country that the pen pal comes from.
Shelters, Foster care programs or organizations can receive a standing bookcase filled with books for all ages. The bookcase program can also involve story times and reading partners.

Let’s Get Started

Students looking to further their education and prepare for college, see the Love to Learn program.
Zoom Tutoring Hours
Pen Pal Letters
Bookcase Program
ACT/SAT Tutoring
Photo Gallery
My name is Elana and I am from Long Island, NY. I am studying Early Childhood Education. Bake Back America has created an educational tutoring program which allowed me to do something I love to do while helping others. This program allows our recipients to receive tutoring they otherwise would be unable to receive.