Turning Point
Turning Point was created to inspire and empower individuals to find direction and passion in their life through giving back. This program helps individuals to look at their surroundings; job, school, friends and family and see how they can empower others to make positive changes. This can be a turning point in understanding the power of working together towards inner growth and fulfillment.

Hi. My name is JP and I am a senior in High School. I play basketball at school and enjoy reading in my free time. I started working at a seniors home and then partnered with Bake Back America to donate a empowerment give back art class at my summer job that has been the turning point in my life. I have found myself and my mission by helping others by inspiring and empowering to give back. I look forward to this new direction in my life.


Empowering Seniors
Empowering Seniors mission is to inspire seniors to be able to connect to others by giving back. The program empowers volunteers to create an art curriculum which projects are creative and interactive and the end product they are excited to give to a friend, a family member or someone that works at their home. The sessions are themed to create a positive feeling environment.
Students Helping Students
This program is an incredible opportunity to help first generation on college campuses prepare for their new educational adventure. Fulfilling wish lists such as food and professional clothing has helped make the transition smoother. Students can also help create bags filled with needed supplies or even to help with dealing with the stresses that come along with being in a new environment for the first time.

Educational Literacy
Educational literacy helps feel the gap for after school programs to support the school day. It focuses on reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar and creative ways to learn. Encouraging reading and education is the base for the future of these children.
Candy Striper
Candy Striper is an amazing program that focuses on families facing medical challenges. It's mission is to help with necessities like food and clothing during this difficult time. One of the big projects that Ronald McDonald House and hospitals have appreciated are the hand decorated bags that are customized with different themes such as food and activity bags. This program is creative and brings care and compassion to each project.